The security of a company’s computer storage network is a major issue. It’s all about the proper conduct of its business and the proper safeguarding of strategic data that is useful for its long-term survival and competitive advantages. Although several backup systems exist, it is nonetheless essential to be able to secure the computer storage network. To achieve this, several solutions exist.
Antivirus, the basis for network security
Install a powerful antivirus and update it regularly allows to obtain a good or even very good first level of network security for data storage. An antivirus will conduct a regular scan of incoming files in the company’s computer network, including downloaded files and incoming emails.
Furthermore, in a more periodic manner this time, monthly in particular depending on what has been programmed by the user, the antivirus also scans external hard drives, RAM and various storage media such as USB keys, networked hard drives and other memory cards. In the event of the presence of malware, a virus or a Trojan horse that could harm the saved files or even completely erase them, the antivirus eliminates this intruder or quarantine it before deleting it. It should be remembered that very frequent, ideally daily, updating of the antivirus software provides an optimal level of protection for network security.
Setting up a VPN, an efficient and effective solution for network security
The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology of securing the computer network translatable as Virtual Private Network. It makes it possible to completely secure the connection between a computer and the network to which it wishes to have access. A network in this case linking it with the saved data. The VPN is based on the principle of encryption and decryption of data. In short, computers that have not been referenced as belonging to this virtual private network cannot access the data. A VPN is a private network built internally to the company.
In addition, the VPN is based on two principles that allow it to display a high level of network security: authentication and encryption.
Authentication implies a prior identification of the user and encryption allows to hide, to camouflage, from indiscreet eyes the data embedded on the computer network.
Firewall, another alternative for more network security
Firewall is a network security technology that allows to block and prevent intrusions from an Internet connection. Because when an employee of a company is surfing the Web, some hackers take advantage of flaws in the security of the network to harm, delete, damage or steal various data.
Firewall software filters the data packets passing between the computer and the web. Because some hackers send a lot of data packets in order to attempt an intrusion. The firewall filters and blocks these packets, allowing the recorded data to remain intact. The firewall also works on the principle of permitting and blocking. In other words, some communications are allowed and some are not.